Dimitris Papathanasiou

The Early Years…
Dimitris Papathanasiou was born in Athens in 1976. Music commanded his life since childhood and professional Djing has been his sole and only lifetime work.

Being a member of a family with profound musical background, his parents started him with piano lessons at the age of 10. Soon though he discovered that piano sessions wasn't something that could satisfy his inner ambitions. Before long, his love for music would find new and fascinating ways of expression.

Dimitris vividly remembers the first time he experimented with vinyls and turntables in his basement studio. He was just 12 at the time, but instantly felt a rush that helped him since master music’s charms as a Dj, coupled with the energy and the devotion of a prime live performer. His basement was quickly transformed into his private vinyl-collection volt, numbering more than 5.500 vinyl records.

His first public gig was his high-school's annual prom dance in 1990 and since then he was the brain and soul behind all his school’s musical events.

Dimitris discerned his inborn talent and after graduation readily entered a Private College specialized in Music Production & Music Industry as well as Audio & Sound Engineering. He graduated with a master in Studio Mixing, laying the groundwork of his outstanding professional Dj Career that established him as one of the most prominent and well known Djs - Event Managers in Greece.

boasts an 18-years old envied career, which involved successful collaborations with the most prestigious and well-known Clubs and Bars, in Greece:

  • PARADISE CLUB (Mykonos, Greece - www.paradiseclubmykonos.com )
  • KALUA (Athens, Amerikis 6 & Panepistimiou)
  • KALUA (Mykonos, Paraga Beach, Greece - www.kaluamykonos.gr )
  • KALUA (Istanbul, Turkey)
  • FIGARO ( Old Harbor, Spétses, Greece )

Important though they were, enriching his talent with experience and vision, these associations just formed a significant stage; a stepping-stone to what would give him the chance to fully exploit his musical creativity.

The Peak
The last decade, Dimitris Papathanasiou specializes in Music Supervision of Bar –Restaurants, High-profile weddings, Private parties and Corporate Events, a transition that allowed him to make the most of his knowledge and fertile imagination. Innumerable memorable events and successful collaborations led methodically to the pinnacle of his professional success, crowned by having the honor of working as the Senior DJ Manager in two of the most glamorous and aristocratic Bar – Restaurants of Athens,


Orpheos 33 & Dekeleon Gazi

Tournavitou 11 & Sarri, Psiri


Actually, it was these two collaborations, both characterized of prime standards of aesthetics and professionalism, which stimulated the idea of creating his own Company, capable of providing high quality services and genuine musical creativity.

That idea gradually matured and finally took shape in the spring of 2006. Since then, Dimitris Papathanasiou runs DP MUSIC, a Company specialized in pioneering Music Supervision, Dj Services and Event Management.

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